Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sliding Door Locks - How to Secure Sliding Doors

Sliding doors can be the favourite entry and exit point for burglars. They are often poorly secured and allow the removal of just about anything from your home if forced open.
Most sliding glass doors have a central latch. These vary greatly in quality and therefore security. Sliding door locks will sometimes have a key facility on one side or both sides however this may not help the strength of the lock as they usually rely on a keeper (the part of the lock that attaches to the door frame) that is often weak.
Some newer sliding doors have internal bolts that deadlock the door at the top or bottom or both. If you have these vertical bolts you probably don't need anymore security.
TIP: The patio bolt is the cheapest and most effective method to secure a sliding a door. The patio bolt can sometimes be easily installed but many people would use a locksmith. The carbine patio bolt is the best domestic lock on the market.
Patio bolts can be fitted so the door can be locked slightly open at a gap of 100mm for ventilation. This is only recommended for when the home is occupied as it is not as secure as when the door is shut and locked.
If a central sliding door lock is required, the whitco blaxland is the best quality and value lock on the market.
Sliding security doors provide good ventilation with a degree of security but cost many times more than what a good lock costs.
Sliding glass doors can often be lifted off the bottom track. If your door can be lifted more that about 10mm, it is a good idea to install a block of wood or plastic or some screws in the top track to prevent lifting.
Another cheap way to secure a sliding door is to put a wooden rod or piece of broomstick (cut to length) in the bottom track. This only works when the sliding section is on the inside but is very effective and almost free.
By law, all glass in doors should be laminated safety glass. Laminated glass is safe even when broken as the glue between the sheets of glass holds the pieces together. The glass can be further strengthened with security film.
Insurance companies require sliding doors to be key locked. Again the patio bolt is the cheapest and most effective way to secure a sliding door as it bolts the door on the inside.


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